best IASTM tools

My Recommendations on Choosing the Best IASTM Tool


best IASTM toolsOne of the major points that I wanted to get across in my new online program teaching you instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization is that the tools do not need to be expensive to start using IASTM.

There are a wide variety of tools you can buy to perform IASTM, ranging from $5 to several thousand of dollars!

Luckily for you, it doesn’t have to be expensive to get started using IASTM!   Don’t get me wrong, you absolutely get what you pay for with the different tools, however, price should not be an issue that limits your ability to start using IASTM.  If you have $5, you can start performing IASTM.

Over the last several years, I have tried almost every IASTM tool on the market.  There are many great ones.  I am going to review several tools that I personally use and recommend.  I will start from the cheapest to the most expensive and overview the pros and cons of each.  When people are not sure IASTM is for them, I recommend starting with a cheap tool.  Once you get the hang of it and see the many benefits, you’ll definitely want to upgrade.

Consider this article your resource for choosing the best IASTM tool.

Before you get too far into the below article, I should say that stainless steel tools are the best.  People always ask me, “what is your favorite tool?”  The tool I am currently recommending everyone purchase is the EDGE Tool by Erson Religioso.  It’s great stainless steel quality, affordable, and very versatile.  Plus, he’s offered my readers a special 10% discount off your entire order of everything in his store if you use promo code Reinold!  He has many great tools, like his EDGE tool, cups, mobility bands, and even things like BFR units!


Buffalo Horn IASTM Tools

buffalo hornBuffalo horn is probably the cheapest and easiest way to get started with IASTM.  It is easy to find on the internet, cheap, lightweight, and effective.  If you are new to IASTM or just want to test it out, this is a great tool, to begin with, while being very budget-friendly.  It doesn’t feel or resonate very well, the more expensive tools feel SO MUCH better, but buffalo horn is certainly an acceptable material to use for your first IASTM tool.  Certainly not the best option, but I would rather you use a $5 tool than not perform IASTM at all.  If budget is your primary concern, start here, otherwise move down the list!

Jade IASTM tools

jadeJade is a gemstone and a definite step up from the buffalo horn.  They come in many different colors, though there does not seem to be a big difference in quality between the colors.  I also like the shape in the image to the right, which gives you a few useful edges.  Jade tools are heavier than buffalo horn, but also more slippery if you get too much lubricant on the tool.  They certainly resonate more than buffalo horn but still not nearly as much as the higher-cost tools, such as stainless steel.  Jade is more fragile than buffalo horn, so keep this in mind.  It isn’t the best if you are worried you will not be able to protect it well.  It is an option and another good beginner tool, but you’ll want to upgrade soon.

Bian Stone IASTM Tools

obsidian toolI would put Bian a mild step up from Jade.  They tend to be smooth but not shiny, so they have a better grip on them.  I feel it resonates more than jade or horn, and actually has a decent feel to them, but again nothing like stainless steel.  Although not the cheapest, these are a great low-cost option and work well.  You will certainly feel a difference between these and the cheaper tools above.  These also are more fragile than other tools and should be protected like jade.  Don’t drop them!  Considering the mild increase in cost and the fragility of the stones, I again say this is a good beginner tool, but you’ll likely want to upgrade soon.  These are getting harder to find on Amazon too.

Polycarbonate IASTM Tools

The next class of tools takes a step up and now includes plastic or polycarbonate tools.  These tools are more durable than all of the above tools and tend to be custom shaped based specifically for manual therapy.  The shapes also tend to be larger, which is a good thing.  I prefer polycarbonate tools over the above natural tools for their durability.

dolphin polyThere is a clear winner in polycarbonate tools in my mind, the Dolphin by IAM Tools, based in the UK.  This is a “training” version of their stainless steel dolphin tool, but trust me, this is not just a training tool.  I love the shape, edges, and ability to grip.  Plus, it is a bit larger than the above tools, so you can work many different body parts.  This a good tool, but still nothing like stainless steel.

Stainless Steel IASTM Tools

Last but certainly not least are the stainless steel tools.  Let’s get this out of the way first – stainless steel tools are by far the best tools for IASTM.  I definitely feel everyone should have at least one stainless steel tool if they are serious about IASTM.

You can’t compare the feel, resonation, durability, or even weight.  I like a tool with a little weight to it.  Stainless isn’t perfect.  My number one issue is often related to grip, as stainless steel can get VERY slippery during a session.  That is why the tools I use tend to have some feature that enhances the grip.  It is also easier to be aggressive with a stainless steel tool, so if you want to be gentle with someone, I would recommend using a different tool, at least initially.

There are two tools that you should highly consider.

edge toolThe first is the EDGE tool.  This is my recommended tool.  I think everyone should own one of these, and it’s a great tool to start.  Think of this as the Swiss Army Knife of IASTM tools.  It has many different edges and a great ability to grip using the middle hole.  At only around $100, it is pretty hard to compete and is often most people’s first stainless steel tool.  It is a pretty versatile tool.

hawk gripsLastly, another great stainless steel option is a set of tools from Smart Tools.  If the EDGE tool is the Swiss Army knife of IASTM tools, the Smart Tools are the entire top-of-the-line Craftsman tool set!  These tools look really, really, familiar, right?  They are based on the most popular Graston stainless steel tools on the market, but Smart Tools are actually better than those tools!  They added a nice hash grip surface on each which really makes a big difference.

Smart Tool offers many tools, including the VERY popular handlebar tool.  There are also a lot of smaller tools designed to treat every body part.  These tools are more expensive but are quality.  If you are looking for an entire set of tools and a version of IASTM tools just like the most popular ones, this is for you.  If you are not interested in the whole package, they sell the tools individually, so you can slowly build your set as your budget allows

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What is the Best IASTM Tool?

I don’t think there is a clear winner for each and every person.  If you treat a lot of athletes, you may want the Hawk Grip tools as they are larger and have a great variety.  If you just treat hands and wrists all day, you may want a smaller tool.  If you just have $100 to spend, the EDGE tool may be for you.

In all honestly, I use several tools together, and I bet you will too.  Start with what looks best for you right now, even if just a piece of horn, and as you see the benefits of IASTM start to expand your collection.  I have every tool on this list, and I actually use all of them based on my goals, different clients, and body parts.

If I had to pick one, I would definitely start with the EDGE Tool.  It offers the most bang for the buck and is probably the clear winner in my mind for tools everyone should own.

Learn How to Start Performing IASTM Today!

Erson Religioso and I’s online IASTM educational program will teach you everything you need to know to start using IASTM today!  IASTM does not have to be complicated to learn or expensive to start using.  Learn everything about IASTM, including its history, efficacy, tool options, different stroke patterns, basic techniques, advanced techniques, and how to integrate IASTM into your current manual therapy skills and treatment programs!

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