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4 Ways to Improve Overhead Shoulder Mobility
Injury Treatment
Mike Reinold

4 Ways to Improve Overhead Shoulder Mobility

Overhead shoulder mobility is an important movement skill that is required for optimal health and performance during many lifts. Here are 4 areas to work on and ways to improve overhead shoulder mobility.

Enhance Performance
Mike Reinold

How to Enhance Recovery Beyond Nutrition

Training sounds pretty simple on paper. Just eat right, sleep well, and lift a little bit more weight every workout. But every workout takes place in real life, and real life can make training pretty hard. To improve you need to train like an athlete. That doesn’t just mean going to the gym three times a week and downing a protein shake afterward. Optimal training only occurs when daily life doesn’t get in the way. Training like an athlete while working a full time job or going to school is not easy, but fixing weak points in your habits and lifestyle can help avoid training setbacks and plateaus.

Self Myofascial Release System
Enhance Performance
Mike Reinold

How to Perform Self-Myofascial Release

This month’s Inner Circle webinar reviews my system of performing self-myofascial release. As with anything else, there is a right way, wrong way, and a better way to perform self-myofascial release.

Foam rolling for recovery
Enhance Performance
Mike Reinold

Foam Rolling for Recovery

A recent research report was published in the Journal of Athletic Training that looked at the effect of foam rolling after training on delayed onset muscles soreness (DOMS) and performance.

Plank - core training
Injury Treatment
Mike Reinold

Are We Missing the Boat on Core Training?

We’ve made exceptional progress in our understanding of the core and have shifted away from isolated ab training to integrated core training. However, the more I read on the internet the more I wonder if we are still missing the boat a little bit. I’ll chalk this up as a another pendulum swing, but while we have progressed away from isolated abdominal exercises like sit ups, I wonder if we have swung too far to an extreme and started to focus only on isometric anti-movement exercises for the core.