5 Ways to Incorporate Movement into Your Programming

5 Ways to Incorporate Movement into Your Programs


The latest Inner Circle webinar recording on 5 Ways to Incorporate Movement into Your Programs is now available.

5 Ways to Incorporate Movement into Your Programs

5 Ways to Incorporate Movement into Your ProgrammingThis month’s Inner Circle webinar is on 5 Ways to Incorporate Movement into Your Programs.  In this presentation, I talk about the need to change our focus away from “corrective exercise” and towards “enhancing movement.”  Really just a shift in focus, not technique, but an important concept to consider.

This webinar will cover:

  • I discuss if we have gone too far with “corrective exercises”
  • I overview simply ways to shift your focus towards movement quality
  • How I integrate movement into various portions of my programs
  • Why I think this is all so important

To access this webinar:

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